The Property Developers is an original non-scripted reality series following the aspirational, real life journey of two charismatic entrepreneurs, Kenyon & Charlotte Clarke. The series gives an insight into how this dynamic power couple merge family life and business together seamlessly, giving viewers an all-access pass to the highs and lows of entrepreneurship, including being a woman in business within a male dominated industry. On the surface, people see success and often make assumptions. We see the enviable life of a rich lister, but behind the scenes we don’t often get to see what it really takes to succeed. The Property Developers offers an insight into a real business and into the mind of a charismatic entrepreneur who is committed to taking viewers on a journey of discovery.
Episodes: 6 x 24-30min DCI 4K
Genre: Lifestyle, Reality TV, Non-Scripted
Series Director: Brad Stent
Executive Producers: Sarah Brown, Brad Stent
Copyright © 2024
Oaia Road Entertainment Group
Oaia Road Studios | Oaia Road Distribution